World Day Against Trafficking in PersonsA Recognition of Services Ceremony-Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Pakistan کہ

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World Day Against Trafficking in PersonsA Recognition of Services Ceremony-Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Pakistan کہ

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
A Recognition of Services Ceremony-Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Pakistan

Press Release
Pakistan has taken significant steps for Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Dr. Ehsan Sadiq, Director General National Police Bureau, Islamabad.
Islamabad, 02 August: Dr. Ehsan Sadiq, Director General National Police Bureau has said that in recent years Pakistan has undertaken a range of measures for prevention of trafficking in persons. These include promulgation of Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act 2018, issuance of TIP rules 2020, ratification of TIP protocols to UNTOC and collaboration on TIP communities at provincial level. He induced the need for all stakeholders to work together to reduce trafficking in persons cases. He was of the view that recent Rizwana case highlighted the need of recognizing the importance of child protection and assessing the true magnitude of the issue. He informed that National Police Bureau is compiling database and working closely with FIA and police to enhance coordination and collaboration. 
Dr. Ehsan Sadiq appreciated Sardar Zaheer Ahmed, a Pakistani law enforcement officer, who was presented with the prestigious Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Hero award by U.S. State Department. He said that the purpose of the event is also to recognize the services of all who are working on issue of trafficking in persons in Pakistan.
Dr. Ehsan Sadiq was speaking on the occasion of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The event was participated by senior officials of FIA, Police, relevant Government ministries, UN agencies, diplomatic community, academia, and civil society. 
Sardar Zaheer Ahmed in his closing remarks said that we all thank DG NPB Dr. Ehsan Sadiq for organizing the session and inviting us all. Indeed countering trafficking in persons is whole of society, whole of government approach. Together we all can make a difference. We assure him our continuous support in future too. As national coordinator on UNTOC, he has been and now as DG NPB, he will be an inspiration for us all in our anti human trafficking efforts.
Syed Kausar Abbas, Executive Director SSDO speaking on the occasion appreciated all the stakeholders participated at the event and suggested that this forum should be given a permanent structure and should meet at least once in every quarter to share the progress on TIP, enhance coordination and way forward.

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